us some gorgeous bath and body products to review. They make beautiful bath bombs, body creme, sugar scrubs and salt scrubs. They select ingredients that not only smell fantastic (and they do!), but that are also beneficial to your skin. Their bath bombs include oils, vitamins, clay, dead sea salts and other ingredients to leave your skin feeling silky and smooth. The quality of the products and the
is excellent. The lotion is very creamy and
and the fragrance is VERY long lasting. It's a very silky, soft
- not too thick, heavy or overdone. Sometimes body creams are too overwhelming for me, but this one seems like it would be like slipping into a silk robe after a nice bath. It would make tan arms or legs look stunning.
We had a chance to try the bath bombs after the show, and quite honestly, they are absolutely amazing!Beau Bain's Coconut Lemongrass fragrance is one of my favorites in our entire store.I can't get enough of it.Soak in the tub with one of these Beau Bain Bath Bombs and you body will thank you. Skin is perfectly moisturized. Body is perfectly balanced. Feel relaxed and revived. Our only warning, these are extremely addicting! Be sure to buy more than one. Many, many more...