I love to spend lazy afternoons
aimlessly through our local garden center. Acres of trees, flowers and plants scattered around like the most beautiful eye candy. Warm sun, fresh air and a soft breeze
me as I drink it in slowly, in quiet peace.
This past summer I remember passing by the fig trees. I didn't realized what they were at first. Their natural scent called out to me before I even saw them. I recognized that fresh, green scent and went in search to see what had my sense of smell perked. I looked over at the
trees. Stalks barley thicker than my thumb. Gigantic, floppy leaves like elephant ears overwhelming the stick-like structure. I was surprised that a leaf could crate such a clean and strong fragrance.
The Herve
fragrance is that day in candle form. Fresh nature exuding a delicious scent. Clean, pure and relaxing. It's a big green scent, as big as the leaves on the tiny fig trees. I love the way Herve
candles burn. The wax
to create the most clear wax pool softly glowing though the milky white glass. This is a great background fragrance.
Do you have fig trees in your yard? Does the fragrance change when the tree bares fruit? I almost bought the trees so I could have this amazing scent in my yard.