Fall Candle Scents Ranking
Fall has arrived, and one of our favorite traditions is exploring the wonderful world of Bath & Body Works' fall candles. We conducted a smell test of 24 candles, including old favorites like White Pumpkin and new fragrances like Book Loft. These candles were ranked on a scale of 1 to 10, and here are the results. Mixed Berry Crumble had a score of 4/10, with testers finding the fake blueberry a bit overwhelming. Cherry Almond Shortbread received a 4.8/10, giving off a Christmas-y vibe. Pumpkin S'mores scored 5.8/10, and testers mentioned it smelled great but could be better. And so on, with scents like Apple Crisp and Pumpkin Bonfire impressing with their rich and inviting aromas.
Holiday Candle Scents Review
Bath & Body Works' holiday candle collection is truly a treat. We smelled and ranked over 25 candles, such as Peppermint Bark, Vanilla Bean Noel, and Frosted Cranberry. Peppermint Bark offers a delicious mix of dark and white chocolate with a classic minty-fresh scent. Vanilla Bean Noel has that subtle vanilla aroma that reminds you of baking cookies. Frosted Cranberry takes you back to your grandmother's house with its simmering pot scent. And there are many more delightful options to make your home feel festive.
In conclusion, Bath & Body Works offers a wide range of captivating bath and body candle scents for both the fall and holiday seasons. Whether you prefer the warm and spicy notes of fall or the sweet and festive aromas of the holidays, there's a candle to suit your mood and create a cozy atmosphere in your home. So, go ahead and choose the ones that appeal to you and enjoy the wonderful scents throughout the seasons.